Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor and Kindness

Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor teaches us the power of showing that you care. How its energy is from the heart.

We live in a world today of broken families, loved ones estranged from one another, spouses or loved ones serving in the military overseas. Some are in prison. Uncertainties grow as people have lost trust in the government, banks etc. People are looking for meaning in their lives. Some have lost homes and jobs. Some have had their homes demolished in severe weather storms. 

Kindness is a soothing balm in these troubled times. It may not come easily at first, when people may have so many concerns and worries in their lives, whether on a monetary level, or emotional, family etc. Due to everyday stress, they may actually treat each other unkindly, speaking harshly to each other, reflecting their own inner anxieties, taking it out on the ones we most love and hold dearest to us.

Start by treating yourself with kindness and caring, self-love and respect. We have to consider what attracted us to our partners in the beginning? We showed them our best. Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor says after over 40 years of marriage she still makes sure when her husband awakens, he sees her at her best. We are responsible for how others perceive us so we become aware of what it is that we are broadcasting through our appearance.” Then you can show kindness to others. Heal yourself with little acts of kindness daily. Have a bunch of colorful flowers on your kitchen table, beautifying the room. Smile. Laughter heals by increasing the serotonin in the brain and uplifting and changing your attitude. Have a massage or get your hair and nails done. If you look good, you feel good. Relax with your favorite music or book.

Now reach out to others with kindness. Smile. Make eye contact with people. One of the best ways to forget your own problems is to reach out to others. Some people are so lost and alone, keeping their eyes downcast as they feel invisible and that no one cares So, look into their eyes, smile warmly and let them know you see them, that they are important, that YOU care, that they are a child of God, All knowing, All-Loving. As Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor teaches us, “We Matter”

Do a service for someone daily. Volunteer at a hospital, women’s shelter, food pantry or other charitable organization of your choice. Or start with your immediate circle of family and friends. If you have a spouse or loved one, even for your children, write love notes of caring and appreciation on sticky notes and post them on the refrigerator, on their desk or in their lunch box. Bring a smile to others. Call a friend or loved one. Send an email. Communicate with your immediate family members, with kindness.

Show kindness to coworkers also. Avoid habitual patterns that may have previously led to arguments etc. Reach out and speak kindly to someone you normally don’t talk to or associate with much. Get to know them. Invite them for a cup of coffee or tea.

“There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.”
-Dalai Lama 

Kindness starts as a spark of caring that grows into a flame and burns brightly. As people begin to feel their lives changed by kindness, they too will reach out to others with kindness and this world will be a better place.

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”
-Lao Tzu 

Today, more so than any other time, we need each other, to be supportive and encouraging of one another. Remember, a little kindness goes a long way. With kindness, caring and compassion, we are opening our hearts to love. 

In Galatians 5:22 it is said,” But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” 

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
Dalai Lama 

So, think of what acts of kindness you can do every day to make a difference in people’s lives. I came across an interesting web site

Here are some of their ideas. If you need more ideas, they list 263 on their web site. …
Clean Up Graffiti
Donate Used Books to Library
Give Care Packs to Homeless
Help a child learn
Help someone for free, e.g. Yard work.
Hold the door open for someone.
Let someone go in line in front of you.
Give them coupons you have for something they are buying
Mentor an at risk child
Make blankets for homeless
Pay the tab for a person
Read to a child
Write a letter to someone who made a difference in your life
Visit an animal shelter
Pick up trash
Send flowers
Be kind to someone you may not like.
Call or visit someone who is sick
Donate to a food bank
Donate Blood
Donate used clothing
Encourage someone
Give someone a hug

One young woman painted beautiful designs on brand new running shoes that were donated and after they were decorated, she took them personally to the selected disabled children for whom they were chosen. They walked over to her, saw their beautifully hand painted running shoes, exclaiming in delight and pure joy and then hugged her. 

As we allow Spirit to guide us in life, kindness becomes our way of life.

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
-Dalai Lama

Lastly Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor said to us, “don’t just do it, BE it.” Be who you really are and the world will respond to your Kindness and Caring.


Originally published 5-2-2022 JMWriters blog. Republished by permission

Did That Pebble Just Give Me a Message from God?

“We are not in the universe; the universe is in us.” – Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha


Have you ever decided to decide about something, but only if you get a sign from God? Ok universe, looking for a sign here

And when you get one, you’re all over it like an excited puppy… OMG, I just got a sign!!! (But later you secretly wonder if you made it up, right?)

We’ve all heard stories of people that were spoken to directly by God. In the Old Testament alone there are something like two thousand references to God speaking to individuals through angels and dreams. Moses met up with God for a conversation of epic importance when He appeared in the form of a burning bush. The world-changing content of the Qur’an was given to the Prophet Mohammed as Allah’s divine instruction through the angel, Gabriel. Stories such as these gained everlasting permanence in the form of sacred scriptures.

But not all divine transmissions make it into sacred texts. We know of other recipients of dramatic communications that significantly changed history, such as Joan of Arc, whose angelic visitations inspired her with a passion to free her own country. Also, the great mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan, as noted by Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, in the early 1900s, solved previously impossible problems. He was highly revered by his University of Cambridge peers yet attributed his genius to dream visitations from a Hindu Goddess.

So, what does any of this have to do with the rest of us getting signs? First off, the saints, prophets, mystics, venerable leaders, and geniuses spoken to by God, were human beings. They did things that humans do. They went to work, cared for families, had friends, lived in communities, planted gardens, ran businesses, had aspirations, suffered from ailments, had bodily functions, engaged in spiritual or religious practices, and so on.

In most respects, they were just like you and me, even if at some point the messages became the driving force of their lives. They went down in history, but what about the ones that did not or will never?

Ponder for a moment on our beginnings. Creation stories abound. Across the spectrum from ancient cultures and religions to quantum science, the concept of creation has many beautiful forms. The common denominator is that everything in existence ultimately springs forth from an original source.

In Kabbalism, it is believed that God’s ultimate sacrifice is what made the universe. Before creation, God existed in the form of pure, all-encompassing, infinite energy. To allow human beings and the material universe the space to come into being, God withdrew.

It is not to say that God disappeared or became smaller. There is no shrinking infinity. God simply became present in each nanoscopic particle of the material universe. In sacred scripture, the realm of God is described as one of joy, rejoicing, and gladness. Where God once existed wholly in a void, now it has experience. Here I paraphrase Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha when saying, God named every grain of sand and every blade of grass.

Mountains, stones, soil, and minerals are God experiencing itself.

Raindrops, lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans are God experiencing itself.

Fire, wind, air, sunlight, moonlight, and starlight are God experiencing itself.

Algae, moss, flowers, plants, and trees are God experiencing itself.

Fish, frogs, spiders, bugs, worms, snakes, and turtles are God experiencing itself.

Whales, dolphins, buffalo, bears, wolves, and eagles are God experiencing itself.

Constellations, solar systems, planets, galaxies, superclusters, and black holes are God experiencing itself.

Electrons, protons, neutrons, photons, molecules, quarks, and plancks are God experiencing itself.

Laughter, sorrow, anxiety, pain, peace, curiosity, love, and joy are God experiencing itself.

Human beings are God experiencing itself.

All of it is God experiencing itself.

With God existing in everything, it would seem inevitable that God is in a perpetual state of communication. Everything in our known and unknown universe contains something of the pure, infinite energy. That anything at all has taken a material form means it is communicating. The identifying factors that make it unique from the thing beside it is a statement.

Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha sparked a realization in me that God speaks to us through everything. Why, when walking along the beach is there a particular pebble or shell that stands out? Pick it up. What do you suppose it is communicating based on its shape, color, texture, or patterns? Why does a particular song catch your attention? While walking in the wind, why do certain thoughts arise? Why did you notice a book title or words on a license plate? Standing in line at the checkout, why did you happen to overhear a conversation? What was said?

In whatever way you define God or the universal presence, imagine, that in these examples it was talking to you. Or even that it is speaking through you. With all of infinity at our disposal, there is a lot to hear and plenty to be said. You and I may never be sainted or be written about in history books, but we are each a container of the pure, infinite energy. We inherently communicate something about its nature. The containers around us, those we cross paths with, including the paths themselves, are equally communicating.

Case in point, here is a story from my own experience. It took place on a day like any other day at my job. As events unfolded, I reached a point of surrendering to the realization that something completely out of the blue was talking to me.

It happened the winter I was working as a cook in the kitchen of a horse track in Quebec, Canada. This was in the days before betting was done by closed-circuit TV at small trotter tracks like this one. The dining room held a massive hot and cold buffet positioned off to one side of the indoor bleachers, which seated hundreds. The place was a madhouse when the races were on – filled to capacity with ebullient, shrieking gamblers, intent on making a quick buck, sometimes with their last buck.

It took a lot of advanced preparation to cook enough food to satisfy the deluge of hungry spectators. From the crack of dawn, we cooks worked up a hard sweat over flat-top grills and ovens that threatened to sear the skin off our faces.  The noise of clanging, banging, slamming, chopping, sizzling, and commands being hurled across the oversized, rumbling equipment was almost deafening.

Then, all at once, everything seemed to come together, and it would get quiet. The buffet tables were filled to brimming and our backup containers sat safely in the warming ovens, waiting their turn. If you had not been part of the earlier hubbub, you would only know it had happened by the good smells of the roasted, baked, steamed, and fried feast greeting your nostrils.

For a few minutes before the guests arrived, I always took advantage of the lull to slip out to the glassed-in observation deck. From there I could get a close-up view of the horsemen trotting their animals, warming them up before the race. The horses were beautiful, extraordinary creatures. It was almost hypnotic to witness the power and grace in their motion. I was grateful to share those moments of peace with them.

On this particular day, the temperatures were sub-zero, with the winds whipping like razor-edged knives off the frozen Ottawa River. It was the kind of day where you risked seizing your lungs if you stepped outside with no face covering. Through the glass, I could see crystallization in the air, the kind of cold that surprisingly can be detected by the eye. A deep freeze like this made it a bigger challenge to warm up the horses. I was not so familiar with equine care, but I knew that much from the veterinarian who treated my animals since he also treated the horses at the track.

By law, one from a roster of local veterinarians was required to attend the stables while the races were on. My vet was on duty that day. He was a gentle and kind soul. He frequently looked for reasons to disqualify the horses at this track because they were usually older and run down. They suffered. Apparently, the races at this track would be the last-ditch attempt to make money on the animals before they were sent to the slaughterhouse.

As the horse-betters began to trickle in, I returned to my kitchen post. Immersed in the frantic pace, running from one boiling pot to another, thoughts of the horses on the glacial track were far from my mind.

Suddenly, through the clamor of the kitchen and thrum from the bleachers, I heard a huge roar from the crowd. A dining room server rushed through the swinging doors to announce there was a horse down on the track. Minutes later it was pronounced dead, its lungs frozen. I was horrified.

Once the betting was over and the kitchen closed, I bundled up in my winter gear and left by the side entrance. I made my way through drifting snow over my knees to the edge of the track. The body of the horse had been taken away hours earlier.

Still, I took a pinch of corn pollen (finely ground cornmeal), and powdered tobacco leaves to make an offering, letting it settle to the ground at close as I could get to where the horse had fallen. I had learned from Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha that when an animal is found dead, sprinkling it with corn pollen helps to return its body to the earth. The tobacco returns its spirit quickly to the spirit world. With all my heart I desired that the horse would be released from any suffering.

Later that night, after falling into a troubled sleep, I had a lucid dream. I found myself standing in a grassy meadow. It was shrouded in mist, but I could make out the faint outlines of deciduous trees in the background. It was comfortably warm. I smelled sweetgrass and wildflowers. It was beautiful and I felt serene.

Three shadowy figures moved toward me through the mist. As they stepped forward, I realized they were horses. The leader looked like the horse that had been described – the one that had died on the track that day. As the horses moved closer, I could see their dark, gentle eyes and the soft gleam of their coats. They were making quiet, guttural sounds, but the real communication was somehow happening silently through the meeting of minds.

They assured me that they were happy and free from pain. All three had received the blessing of the corn pollen and tobacco offering. They had come to me in the dream time to acknowledge my offering and to give me a message – insight into the wisdom of true power.

They told me that when people have natural abilities, the results yielded are greater when used not only for the advancement of the individual but to enhance the well-being of the community. They explained that everything is interconnected. What is experienced by one affects all beings. As much as we humans give of ourselves to uplift others measures equally to the power we gain. True power occurs when one cares and shares for the benefit of all. Then, as quickly as they had emerged, they faded back into the mist, and I awoke, my every cell tingling from the experience.

Even now, when I recall that dream, I am deeply moved by the love and grace that emanated from those horses. Beyond a dream, it was one of those inexplicable experiences that happen outside the normal realm of frontal consciousness, but equally real. Was it a direct message from God? It’s a mystery. What matters is the nature of the message or sign from the universe, when we hear or see them. Whether it comes in the form of a pebble on the beach or horses that went to heaven, it bolsters the human experience, giving us a deeper understanding of our place in it all.


This post originally appeared in JMWriters blog. Republished by permission.

Community and Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha

Perhaps at this time this word engenders so much fear yet its true essence is so needed as we live our lives. In The Different Drum by M. Scott Peck, he refers to this as the “real” need in order to deal with our lonely lives believing in rugged individualism. To me “soft individualism” is being able live together with others with all the warts and talents acknowledged and fully accepted. Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha has often reminded us in her teachings, that the fallacy of rugged individualism is our idea that it is one person succeeding all alone.

Having lived in community for many years this idea of community really resonates with me. Community to me is more than 20 people with a focus living together. When trying to get things accomplished in one’s “own” life you seem to be constantly running through obstacles and around people but imagine with 20! Perseverance and tolerance had to be relied on and these virtues encouraged as in the Pecks’ marriage.  And though teamwork seems to be constantly referenced as an ideal in business or in sports, it’s when team anticipates the needs of the group that success is achieved or felt.

In the time I lived in community with Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, she would often assist us to see how in our daily lives we could achieve so much more together. That being a meal or building a building. Separate is never equal to another in talents or failings so in order to make things work, you accomplish it together. The individual feels, well that one thing you do but more you fill up with esteem and joy as your project succeeds; your life seems on track.

Pa’Ris’Ha would let us “wool gather” for a time when working toward a goal but bring us back to the focus of how each of our actions must work in concert with the other to bring our completion. That the separation we perceive as outside ourselves doesn’t really fit or work. To be successful, it is in the supporting of another and coming to a completion that we bond. Therefore, becoming fully human which to me is Mr. Peck’s “soft individualism”.

Often with Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha as we came together to work on something, we were able to think of ourselves as one family or community. Not separated from others just connected to like-minded people working for a common goal.  Living in this way is not lonely because it is done together with individuals.  All of us are needed and all in us is needed as well. Nothing separated out.

Today private lives are lonely; influenced as we are by the internet, lockdowns, working from home or on-line schooling. Achieving and being happy with what we are doing seems almost like a TikTok video short and looking for others to like us! Somehow not seeing the Divine spark. We are who we are looking for. We are not to be separate, as Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor reminds us, we are meant to work through those differences to see how your boundaries can meet mine and form the cohesiveness of Life.

By Ew

Originally published on JMWriters blog. Republished by permission.

Cannot Just Get Over It?

Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha shares, So as you move through time as an eternal Being, you need to Observe the Body Mind and see where you determine yourself the God Within.”

Most people carry around feelings or thoughts that are stuck in their system. Thoughts and feelings that seem to be on automatic pilot, looping over the years and being acted out with different people.  This happens when there are the old unprocessed hurts that simply will not budge for example that boyfriend that broke up 20 years ago, that person who took sexual privilegeAs the years go by, life can add to the list of hurts and we can end up spiraling down emotionally and physically. Often thoughts of the hurt are long gone and yet the lingering feeling sits there waiting to be triggered by the next person who shows any sign of acting in the same way as that original hurt. An example of this is a child who never felt anyone paid attention or loved them- perhaps their parents worked so hard that they were often left alone. And as an adult it can feel very painful if their partner seems distant or inattentive.

Old hurt sits stored in the nervous system, brain and body and when the new situation happens, these old feelings can be triggered and come to the surface. To the person it seems like all the feelings and thoughts belong to that new situation. It looks like it is all about the person who is in front of them acting that way, such as the husband who didn’t remember the anniversary, or the friend who doesn’t seem to call. While some of the emotion may relate to the current situation, they can be fueled by an underground stream of past unprocessed emotion from old memories and hurts. This can feel quite intense and confusing both for the person it is being directed at and the one triggered.

You can even be someone who smiles and laughs and plays the social star and entertainer on the surface and yet privately feel angry, low, depressed and or anxious. It is this private, internal realm that deeply matters when it comes to be free and happy. It is the feelings that sit below the surface.

Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha says, All is so beautiful when you look for it. It is always residing just there waiting for you to see, not just looking but “seeing.”

Sometimes it can be the smallest trigger in our current life that seems to derail” us. This is because memories that have some similarity get stored together in the unconscious. They can join together and build up big bank of emotion that sits outside conscious awareness. We may have developed fantastic defenses that keep these emotions at bay so that we can get on with day-to-day life.

Then one day something happens to add to the bank and our defenses cannot hold back the intensity. All the emotions and thoughts from all the previous times are firing off and overwhelm the nervous system.  Perhaps it was the last boss who spoke to their employer in a demeaning way that brought back the flood of overwhelming hurt from previous experiences of being disrespected. Perhaps the bank of emotions is made up of indiscretions we have done to others. Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha tells us, To See yourself in All. AS such there is no enemy.”  

There are many events that happen to us in life that we naturally work through and let go of. It is often thought that the process of sleeping and dreaming during REM sleep is when the brain naturally processes the day’s events and emotions.

In order to find out if you are holding on to old hurt you simply need to look at patterns of how you reacted in life. What are the things that commonly hurt you? Are there any themesThink of the last time someone really upset you. When you think of that notice any thoughts you are having about them. And as you think that what do you feel it is saying about you? For example – they are rude and nasty. While this logically says more about them then me, when I tune into the feelings it makes me feel disrespected. And when I ask myself what does that mean about me from within the feeling It feels like I am not valuable. So, the next phase is to tune into that memory and go back earlier in life. Are there any other memories that come up?

Another way to do it is, think about old memories that have hurt you in the past. When you think about those old memories do you feel anything in your body? Remember this is not an exercise of logic. Logically you may very well be over it. It is when you bring up the memory, and even find an image for the worst part of the memory. When you tune in and notice the negative belief about yourself within the memory and then see if there is any emotional charge on it. If there is charge on it then this memory is a part of the bank of emotions that fuels your reactions to life today and holds you back from just getting over it. Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha lets us know over and over again “What you think about you bring about.”  

When you recognize any of these signs there is a lot you can do about it. Many of the mind and body therapies that involve going into the subconscious and bringing to consciousness these old emotions can be helpful. Although simply going in and remembering is not enough. In fact, doing this can be damaging if the emotions are not discharged and can leave a person retraumatized. One particular therapy is very effective in my experience for fast tracking the letting go process. EMDR therapy stands for eye movement desensitization reprocessing therapy. It uses the brain’s natural healing mechanism similar to what occurs in REM sleep to gain access these old memories and allow them to integrate into the nervous system and brain as wisdom and learning while discharging the emotional charge attached to the memory. In 20 years in the mental health field this is one of the most powerful processes I have come across for letting go of old hurts.

When we do ‘get over it’, the end result is being present in the moment as it is now. Not as it was, or how it may be perceived through tainted lenses. When situations are met fully in the present moment, they can be met with can often stay emotionally regulated and present enough to handle the situation effectively.

“Every circumstance, every event, and every meeting of every person – everything that you live- is because of what you have been thinking about, wondering about, pondering, remembering, observing, considering and imagining…You are literally thinking your life into being.” Ester Hicks

Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha lets all know that we matter and the universe is listening to what we are broadcasting.


Originally published on JMWriters Blog. Re-published by permission

Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor and Peace

The following presentation was prepared by Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor, also known as Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha,to be presented by invitation at an international peace conference to take place November 1, 2017; sponsored by the World Brotherhood Union, Mevlana Supreme Foundation in Istanbul.

I stand before you today as the total collective of all who have lived before me, and whose very purpose of existence was that I am here in the now.

It is a great honor to be here with you today as we gather here in spiritual truth and a greater purpose than recognition and fame. I deeply appreciate all who have worked to provide the beauty and love we explore together at this program for world peace. I acknowledge all of you present, who are visible, and that of Spirit, as teachers and messengers of wisdom that propels all humanity to a greater understanding of our divinity. Separation destroys and inclusion heals.

I am honored by the powerful work and knowledge that this organization and its founders have brought forward in our world.

More than ever before, our generation has the greater challenge of human survival. I am a simple woman and in service as an Ancient Tablet Reader. I am of mixed bloods and was raised in my Grandmother’s Tradition, The Cherokee. Our origins are the system you know as the Pleiades.

For over 55 years I have pursued studies in all the sciences to prove my People’s wisdom and today I celebrate that has come full circle.

In our way of life, we exist as nature and creation, so we honor all peoples’ service and worship. We know all is of The One at its most infinite level of origin and we respect that is expressed and reflected in all different aspects and relating to Source, so that all is of great love and appreciation. I step outside duality to be the all-allowing love as co-creator. Our purpose is to meet the challenge in the 3rd dimension, to evolve to the state of harmony outside the field of duality, and emanate peace.

In our Wisdom Keepers’ ways, we are in the sixth world and facing the pivotal point of humanity’s thriving and existence. Many have said this in very eloquent ways, but the fact is, what is needed is you and I being daily in purpose and more relentless than our opposition. I am in the field daily where harms’ way touches the lives of the people and our Earth.

There is no burn out or fatigue when serving with Divine light and energy. Time does not hold us and boundaries do not exist; we serve the enhancement of all good things in life and all is life. All manifestation and physical presence is frequency and intent and purpose, so all is some level of life. All is given respect and consideration. This is our charge and trust, to honor and protect our planet and all life.

In my life what I have seen leads me to believe that the most misunderstood word in our language is Love, and the next one is Compassion.

To truly live awakened and attuned to Spirit, we must have the reality of both Love and Compassion.

Compassion is not done for others; it is done with others, for yourself, because you can no longer deny the need.

We are created of atomic energy waves, just like the entire universe and because it is impossible to separate waves, we are all connected; our waves are always meeting and getting entangled in each other. The universe is you and you are the universe, each one of us is. Unleash your inner power and start creating amazing things.

Peace is active, not passive. It is an active process of transformation that we create first within ourselves by transmuting lower conscious states of fear, greed, and anger into joyful and harmonic relations within our entire sentient community. This takes work. The Great Work, Magnum Opus, as practiced by Ancient Alchemists, is performed by today’s science in Quantum Physics and called by physicist Fred Alan Wolf, the new alchemy. It takes each individual to create himself, both spiritually and physically, as one whole unit like one cell in a universe of multiple worlds.

There is no outer world without first there being an inner world, no matter without spirit, and no peace without each one of us first coming to peace within ourselves and then including all humanity and sentient beings within a single community of what we call life. This reality unfolds based upon our own beliefs and experiences. If we choose to transform a world filled with suffering and conflict, we must first confront our own selves and know that anything in our lives that we are not satisfied with exists solely because we have chosen this experience from our own beliefs, emotions, and environment.

Fundamental to transforming mind into matter, anger into peace, is “the concept of unity: the great inseparability of all things.” Science now has proven and understands Ancient Wisdom, that all is inter- and inner-connected. String theory shows us that there is not one thing that we experience that has not been created within our own minds and spirit. Life and death are not separate. Anger and peace are intrinsically bound to each other. This duality, known as the field of polar opposites, is the life we experience here, on our planet Earth known as The Sun Wheel or Medicine Wheel to global Indigenous Peoples. The Ancient Alchemists strove to unify mind, body and spirit. Today we know that we have never been separate from all that we desire except by our choice to divide ourselves from our divine origin.

Awareness is the first key to achieving the unity of mind and spirit with an outcome of peace and harmony. To be aware only of matter and body is to separate ourselves from our imaginal and mental realm. And in this great inseparability of all things, we become aware of the fact that we cannot have death without life, peace without anger, and day without night. In our great world of duality, Reality is experienced as we remember it, influenced by our beliefs, emotions and level of consciousness as right and wrong.

The world, life, cannot exist without us. Just by being here, in this room together, we influence all life, as our consciousness expands. Satellites and instruments not known to the common man are measuring the psyche of the entire world, right now. What we choose to think, the way we choose to act influences all life. Right now, we are enhancing the meaningfulness of life for all, and for all we can create all good things by the way we each act upon this knowledge. This is wisdom and also science.

This connection to all things is the ‘I Am’ that dwells within each one of us. We each have countless opportunities to create unlimited possibilities, each a world. Peace and our world depend on us and our interactions. Each of us affect everything else in truly countless ways. Peace depends on what we believe is real. Is life all good things, full of health, wealth and happiness for all, or not? Science proves that is up to each one of us to choose.

Think about this, we are a part of a vast invisible field of energy which contains all possible realities and responds to our thoughts and our feelings. This is true and we each make a difference and are needed, not one more than another.

The infinite sources of our sciences, specifically quantum theory, has taken off a lot of layers of denial and shear ignorance.  There are heights we still have not touched. To profess one’s ability to think and yet, use so very little of this power, how do we not thirst for the ability to tap into one’s own vast field of energy and power. Each of us has a different finger print that amounts to what? There is only one of you and me. That finger print says you are coded and hold a field of energy not like any other, but yours to do.

We know that from the vast fields of energy, we evolve our thinking. Have you heard, “I think therefore I am?”  We create our reality and without our thoughts there is no reality. “Energy is the very fabric of all things material, and responsive to MIND.” Whatever you attach your thoughts to, you magnetize to yourself. 

We are capable of all that we can think of. Mind and matter are one.

© Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor 2017

Pa’ris’ha teaches from a vast field of wisdom. She has both Celtic and Cherokee Native American heritage, her People’s origins are the Pleiades. She says of herself, “I am a perennial student of life, a people watcher, living and loving in life in this World. Of a self, I am nothing, but of Great Spirit I am All. I am of family a Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Relation of all life.”

Pa’ris’ha has been an activist for over 60 years of her eighty-one years, and on ground where the battle is fought. She has had five death experiences and three near death encounters. She maintains politically involved on a global level, and maintains a faith in Humanities pursuit of consciousness.

She has read and is an interpreter of ancient tablets and scriptures. Being of Celtic and Cherokee blood she speaks openly that her People’s origins are the Pleiades and what is spoken of as Aliens are known to The People as Ancients or The Original People, and has been present here on Earth as long as there’s been a humanity and longer yet. As a scientist she acknowledges The Creator, Great Spirit, and Gods are from another Planet, and that Earth’s Children are Star Seed Beings. She teaches Children of God grow up and become….!

Earth is acknowledged as a Being and Nature is her voice! Every form and physical embodiment is alive, all is energy, and of purpose. She reminds us we are in present time Third-Dimension, Duality and our Field is of Opposites. We experience right and wrong and good and bad, our brain is divided and we individuality make choices as to what we do and believe. Conflict is of life here.

Pa’ris’ha has studied Brain research and Human Nature all her life. She pursued sciences to understand herself and life. She taught Quantum reality sixty-five years ago when no one did. She was born with perceptive abilities and sees Spirit and the Unseens. She works with what is called Deities and Dead Ones. She teaches Nature speaks to those in relationship with the Earth Mother and Elements.

She believes all Human Beings have purpose and mission. She teaches we all matter, count and make a difference.

She seeds Abundance and does start up business consultant, and an Investor. She is a practical psychologist and scientist, a perennial student, and Spiritual Archeologist, and global traveler, Oracle, an ambassador for peace, and advocate of human rights. Presently she is dedicated to resolving human trafficking. She gives credit to her Native Elders and Global Mentors and teaches in wonderful stories that recall her life experiences.

A global traveler who has shared teachings in 180 countries, she was a keynote speaker in the Parliament of World Religions Centennial Interfaith Program in Chicago with the Dalai Lama and worked with Mother Theresa; in China, a catalyst in bringing Eastern and Western medical professionals together to seek a cure for HIV; a popular and often sought after speaker at the University of Physics and the Humanistic Psychology symposia in Bratislava, the Institute of Psychiatry in Moscow, and in Siberia in the former USSR. Another project was the Peace Village in Israel, created to foster harmonic relations and conflict resolution between Palestinians and Jewish citizens, as a few of her services.

She taught an accredited CEU program at John Hopkins School of Nursing on alternative healing and energy healing practices. She was selected by the Algonquin Nation’s late Chief and Elder, William Commanda, to be an Elder on the board of “Elders With No Borders,” a global association of Wisdom Keepers committed to preserving the traditional spiritual knowledge and teachings of all indigenous people.

She is a founder of the Yunsai (White Buffalo) Society, a not-for-profit organization of thousands of people globally dedicated to promoting interracial and cultural awareness. She founded The Center For Human Development, a humanitarian organization of over fifty(50) Million people during 56 years of service that has supported education and personal discovery and expanding of consciousness.

©2017 Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor. All Rights Reserved.

Re-published by permission.

Parisha Taylor shares: “within man is the soul of the whole”

Isn’t that an awesome quote! I am copying the rest below. This is written by a famed American poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, in 1841. He founded the Transcendentalist movement, I will have to look that up, and was a mentor and close friend to Henry David Thoreau – On Walden’s Pond!! That these guys understood this back then and science is now validating it strengthens my understanding of what Parisha Taylor talks about when she talks about the Wisdom of the Ancients. This was less than 200 years ago and Emerson is totally in tune. You know he is not the first…

“We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal ONE. And this deep power in which we exist, and whose beatitude is all accessible to us, is not only self-sufficing and perfect in every hour, but the act of seeing and the thing seen, the seer and the spectacle, the subject and the object, are one. We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are the shining parts, is the soul.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who Am I? Ask Parisha Taylor

That is one of humanity’s biggest questions, Who Am I? And the reason why I suggest you ask Parisha Taylor is that she gives the best response I have ever heard; read below. She says that we are the ‘I AM”. What does that mean? That we, in compliment to our Observer, have the ability to determine where I am the God Within.

“We are the I AM, the Being spoken of by many Sacred Names, which my people speak of as “the one that is in all things”. So as you move through time as an eternal Being, you need to Observe the Body Mind and see where you determine yourself the God Within.

Take charge and respond with the ability to rule your time in matter/body. Hold yourself as sacred and righteous. BE AS GOD IS. So as you move through life as a whole, learn to BE, OBSERVE, DECIDE.

What really matters to you? Where do you see the need to change? What is the next move you need to make? Remember this is the next moment of the rest of your life. How many times have you heard or said that? Well in this Moment all can change or remain the same, what is your decision…Now? It’s that simple Beloveds, that’s all it ever takes; life is a game, play it or it will play you! So play to win Beloveds, we did not come to this Earth Mother to place or show, we came to WIN.

So take charge of where you are in this moment, control your life, that is taking charge of decisions and doing what you planned and making each day a compete part of what the whole of your intention is. Want peace in our world? What do you actively do each day to contribute to that? Want a better environment? What do you actively do to help that? See where I am going with this? Yes you do because you know.

As time in its illusional reflection holds you to matter and space, you can and will one day need to “BE, OBSERVE, DECIDE” who and what your role in this grand Drama is. Life is an Adventure, live fully and make impact.” ~ Pa’Ris’Ha

Parisha Taylor discusses The Observer

The Observer is a concept that has become popular out of Quantum Physics. The movie the Secret, gave it a huge amount of exposure, which generated phenomenal notoriety. But it is not new. It is a principle of physics that indigenous and ancient cultures know as the ‘I Am”. Parisha Taylor defines it as the indweller, the inner self, the voice that emerges from the quiet.

We explore outer space and a world that is merely temporary to us, but we are not in touch with our Being. We have been missing the point that transformation takes place in chaos when it seems nothing is happening. We forget that to grow in wisdom we must come to find wisdom is within us always. Our Inner Self, the observer, the indweller is who we are seeking. The “Who am I?”. The “What am I here for?” questions finally get us through the veils of doubts and fears. In addition to all our questions much conditioned thinking needs to be cleared in the subconscious and unconscious mind. ~ Pa’Ris’Ha

I deeply appreciate Parisha Taylor

What an amazing woman. These words of hers teach me to get over myself and open my heart. Love is always and all encompassing. How can I think that there is not enough of me to go around when Parisha Taylor demonstrates over and over her eternal supply of love.

I want to say to my FB friends that I deeply appreciate the circle of life you are part of in my day and all that brings to my health, wealth and happiness. I include all of you in my meditations and healing chanting. I sincerely wish and send to you all good things.